Does your car need new wheels? How long does a tire last? These are the frequent questions of our customers and millions of drivers around the world. In the absence of a professional, Google or some of the most recognized Internet search engines looking for answers to these two questions. A search that can carry out an episode of tremendous misinformation. Therefore, our blog today is aimed at all of them, to find accurate answers to their doubts when changing the wheels to a car.

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Change the wheels to a car: How long does a tire last?

The duration of a tyre is not a matter of time. It depends on the tyre design, the way of driving the usual vehicle driver, the climate of the zone in which it develops its conduction the majority of time, the conditions of the roads that transits, etc.
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On when to change wheels to a car, we recommend you follow these tips:

First, you have to check your tires when it’s five years since you started using them. From that moment on, you must take them to review annually.

Then you have to change your tires to 10 years of use, at most. It may be that in those previous annual reviews that we have mentioned the professional does not indicate to the owner that the time has come to change the wheels to a car. However, after 10 years the owner must do so, as it is safe to end the useful life of those tires.

Finally, if you want to lengthen the life of your tires and postpone the task of changing the wheels to a car, you can apply some of the same care tips: monitoring air pressure, tire wear, or alignment can make your wheels last longer.

Changing wheels to a car: when is it essential?

Beyond the annual revisions from the age of 5, the tires cannot always be rushed until they meet a decade. There are a number of previous tracks that tell you when it is essential to change the wheels to a car.

First of all, you must change the wheels to a car yes or Yes when the tread has worn down below the indicated depth mark on a tyre.

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You should also do so when the flank (lateral side adjacent to tread) is damaged.

Another reason why it is essential to change the wheels to a car is the appearance of a hole of more than 6 millimeters in diameter in the tread.

Lastly, if the heel (flange that sits on the wheel) is damaged or warped, you must also change the tires.

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