We are already in June. The thermometers of a large number of populations in Spain attest. The umbrellas once again become an aesthetic element on the beaches of Dénia. Summer, as always, in advance, has arrived. It is time to remember the breakdowns of this hot season. Also, of course, at this point in the calendar, we must teach you how to drive safely in summer. In this way, you will be able to make this planned trip with ease.

conducir con seguridad en verano

Driving safely in summer has associated problems other than driving safely in winter

The first thing you should know to drive safely in summer is that vehicles have different typical problems in summer than in winter. In cold weather, start-up failures are common, because of batteries and heaters, especially diesel.

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On the other hand, in hot weather, the dangers are different.

How to drive safely in summer: the importance of air conditioning

Although other elements of the vehicle and their condition, such as the engine temperature, the drawing of the tires, the dryness or humidity of the brakes or the heat degree of the turbo are important; Air conditioning is probably a vital element for driving safely in summer.

It is essential for several reasons:

· The air conditioner should be started frequently, not only in summer. In this way we prevent the sealing gaskets from drying out. This is key to travel in summer with the right temperature.

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· It is also important to check the condition of the auxiliary belt or accessories. These auxiliaries are: alternator, air conditioning, power steering and water pump. It can skate if it is not in good condition or lacks the correct tension. Your role is to drag the compressor, when you connect the air conditioner.

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· Another point to check is the cabin filter. It may be covered by dust, pollen, moisture, etc. This prevents the proper functioning of the air conditioning system. Being clogged, the air will not reach you and yours well, you will force the air inlet, giving the fan more speed, and you will spend more energy to avoid heat.

conducir con seguridad en verano

· Likewise, we must prove the non-obstruction of the front grille of the car or radiator grill. This must be 100% clean if we do not want to force the machine over.

como conducir con seguridad en verano

· Finally, we must take into account the refrigerant fluid. This fluid, whose container loses its airtight condition by not using the air in winter, is essential. By losing part of this element in the form of gas, the system loses efficiency. This means extra work for the unnecessary compressor. We must check the high and low air conditioning pressures.

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