The desired summer vacation is here. That time that we all yearn for during the year to rest. It may happen that driving, for example, on the way to your holiday destination and a mechanical failure or a puncture forces you to stop the car on the shoulder. Do not worry. You know that with a phone call and thanks to the roadside assistance service the problem is solved. But there is something else … your vehicle becomes an obstacle for the rest of the road users and must be signaled.

In any circumstance the first thing to do is to remove the car from the road </ strong> as far as possible from the asphalt and put on the reflective vest , mandatory since July 2004. The article 118 of Royal Decree 1428/2003 establishes the mandatory use of the reflective vest for the driver who leaves the vehicle at the shoulder or road of an interurban road. Therefore, you have to have the vest on hand to put it on before leaving. The idea place, the glove compartment of the car. Not wearing the vest is classified as a minor penalty, with a fine of 90 euros.

If the incident has occurred on a two-way road, you have to signal the car with the danger triangles </ strong>. One must be placed in front of the vehicle and another behind, at least 50 meters away from the car , and so that they are visible to drivers approaching from at least 100 meters. It must warn both the cars that come from the front and those that come in the same direction. If the incident has occurred on motorway or highway, it will be sufficient to place a single triangle, located at least 50 meters before the damaged vehicle and also visible from at least 100 meters.

It is worth remembering that the triangles are about warning that there is a car stopped in a dangerous area but before the other drivers get to see the car stopped on the shoulder. Otherwise they are useless. It is very common to see a car standing on a shoulder and the triangle resting on the car.

In addition to placing the triangles of danger signaling, we must put the emergency lights or ‘warning’, and if it is at night, also the lights.

And if there is an accident … Anyone who is involved in a traffic accident, witnesses it or has knowledge of it has the obligation to:

-Auxiliar or request assistance to assist the victims if any.
-Prestrain their collaboration to avoid greater dangers or damages.
-Help to restore the safety of circulation.

If you are involved in an accident or you just find one, keep calm, stop your vehicle so that it does not create a new danger to the circulation, off the road if possible, for the engine, cut the ignition of your Car and put the hand brake. Before getting off the car, put on the reflective vest and then signal the obstacle created to warn the other users. Do not forget to ensure the immobilization of the car or cars involved in the accident. To prevent fires from occurring, cut off the ignition of the damaged vehicles.

A correct behavior in the 10 minutes after the accident allows to save lives, avoid a new accident, decrease (up to 30 percent) or even avoid possible secondary injuries and reduce material damage.

The next step would be to ask for help. For that, the SOS posts should be used, although faster if we have a mobile phone is to call the emergency services, at 112. The more detailed the information you provide, the greater the probability that the emergency services arrive as soon as possible. crash site. It is important that you identify yourself. What is not necessary is that you notify the authorities or the agents, or stay at the scene if only clearly serious injuries have been produced and the safety of the circulation is restored.

It seems a no-brainer, but it is important to bring emergency phone numbers in the car: from the official service of your car brand, from the insurance company, from motor vehicle assistance companies and if you see yourself in a hurry, do not hesitate to call the Police or the Civil Guard. It is about removing the damaged vehicle as soon as possible from the vehicle.

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